Sunday, October 9, 2011

Will Aliens be Nice?

     Reading this article I completely disagree towards the author's insight on this topic. The article,"Will the Aliens Be Nice? Don't Bet On it" by Gary Gutting, basically analyzes the possibility of life beyond Earth and  the dangers entitled with it. Gutting bases his argument off a recent study by researchers at Penn State and NASA which details the "..most chilling possibilities: ETI might "eat us, enslave us, attack us," inadvertently infect us with horrible diseases or just decide to eliminate us for the greater good of the universe." This statement is a bit ridiculous in my opinion, if any civilization beyond Earth possessed the technology to come to Earth to destroy us, they would've done it already. The author bases his argument on a statement that seems blatant, not well thought, and pessimistic.  If a invasive civilization in our universe had the capability to destroy us they already would've because our civilization is by no means advanced and has no incredible defense against an interstellar civilization's technology.
   Although I disagree with this author's entire thesis, I can give him credit for persuading reader's who are merely interested in this subject. Gutting delivers facts and a little opinion and leaves it to the reader to decide what he/she thinks about the topic. Gutting both considers the benefits and dangers of communicating with ETI's but clearly is bias towards the dangers of it. He does a good job expressing his opinion to the reader towards this program.

Article By: Gary Gutting
Published: October 5, 2011


  1. The fact that there could be life beyond Earth creeps me out.

  2. you make a good point, but who really knows how advanced aliens are, if there are any out there.
